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O Verão chegou! Para comemorar, aqui está o remix video do podcast postado anteriormente!
Inclui os videos dos temas,embora alguns não sejam os originais, pois algums videos das músicas não era possivel obtê-los, aquando a sua realização.Espero que gostem!
Divirtam-se na praia!



The Summer is back! in order to celebrate here is the video remix for the previous podcast. It includes all the videos, but some of them are not the videos from the songs, as at the time I did this video mix, I had not all the videos.Hope you like it!
Have fun lying on the beach!


 Perplexer's With Mint Video Megamix

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published at 18:11


by perplex3r, em 27.04.07


Finalmente, música! Depois de receber mails de pessoal que gostava de ter, pelo menos, alguns previews para além dos videos, de andar um tempo a ver onde poderia colocar um podcast, enfim..encontrei! Assim, adicionei tb um player! Desta forma, o megamix que lá está, é apenas o número 0 (zero)...O melhor ainda está para vir.

O Megamix tenta combinar algns hits de dance music do passado:

Finally, music! After receiveing some e-mails from people who wanted to have some previews of the songs, as well as the videos, and after searching on the net a location for my podcast.. finally i found what I was looking for. In that way I added also a player! Therefore, the megamix that you find there is podcast number 0 (zero)... The best is yet to come!

The Megamix tries to combine some old tracks that are great dancefloor killers:

Telepopmusik : Breath (Album Version)
The Roc Project feat. Tina Arena: Never (Past Tense) (Original Version)
Danny Tenaglia feat. Celeda: Music Is The Answer (Deep Dish Remix)
Emmie: More Than This (Extended)
Katana: Feels Like Magic
David Guetta: The World Is Mine
FreaksWhere Were You When The Light Went Out
Crystal Waters: Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)

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published at 17:57


Devido à nova imagem do blog, todos os posts anteriores a 2017 podem surgir com formatação diferente. Um novo ano, uma nova vida, nova música, nova imagem!

Due to the new image, all posts prior to 2017 may come up with a different format. A new year, a new life, new music and new image!

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