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2009 Summer Anthems Countdown (#18)

by perplex3r, em 21.07.09



To Be In Love depicts a Summer Romance that might (not) continue during the long and cold Winter.

Masters At Work with India show us that Love may come up anywhere, for any reason, as long as we are able to say at the end "I've fallen more in love with you".




To Be In Love representa um  Romance de Verão que pode (ou não) perdurar durante o longo e frio Inverno.

Masters At Work juntamente com India, mostram-nos que o Amor pode surgir em qualquer lado, por qualquer razão  desde que, no final, possamos dizer "I've fallen more in love with you".


19. Dario G - Sunchyme

20. De'Lacy - Hideaway (Deep Dish 7'' Mix)

21. Modjo - Chillin'

 22. ATB - The Summer
23.Shaft - Sway (Mucho Mambo)
24. Mylo - In My Arms
25. Tim Deluxe feat. Sam Obernik - It Just Won't Do
26. Dr. Motte & Westbam - Love Parade: One World, One Future
27. Crystal Waters - The Boy Of Ipanema
28. T-Spoon - Sex On The Beach
29. 2 Eivissa - Oh La La La
30. Sunfreakz feat. Andrea Britton - Counting Down The Days (Axwell Edit)

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published at 13:23


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Due to the new image, all posts prior to 2017 may come up with a different format. A new year, a new life, new music and new image!

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De Miguelito a 22.07.2009 às 01:31

hmmmm!... Vou torcer por que dure muito tempo! :D

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