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Dhany ... We Feel So Fine too!

by perplex3r, em 08.05.07



Dhany é nome artistico de uma rapairga italiana de signo escorpião destinada a marcar a sua presença no panroama de Musica de Dança. O seu nome é Daniela Galli, apesar de já ninguém a chamar como tal.
Frequentou a universidade durante algum tempo para estudar literatura, mas percebeu que a sua vocação era a música. Por isso inicou alguns pequenos concertos com o duo Twin Duo e depois com o grupo de acid-jazz  Dr. Groove pela Itália.
A sua colaboração com os KMC resultou em 1995 em dois grandes hits:SOMEBODY TO TOUCH ME e STREET LIFE.

O primeiro single a solo DHA DHA TUNE tornou-se num hit pan-europeu, enquanto que o single QUIERO RESPIRAR mostra a soberba voz caliente da jovem cantora.

Em 2000 alia-se a Mumm, para o  single I WANNA BE FREE. O terceiro single Shut Up mostrou,mais uma vez, o seu poder nas pistas de dança internacionais.
Em 2001 o single I FEEL SO FINE com os KMC torna-se n#1 em Inglaterra e mais tarde alia-se ao projecto Benassi Bros (HIT MY HEART, ROCKET IN THE SKY, MAKE ME FEEL,EVERY SINGLE DAY) e agora enche todos os locais por onde actua. Em 2006 edita o single MILES OF LOVE e neste presente ano lança o single LET GO.



Dhany is the stage name of an scorpio Italian girl destined to make a name for herself on the Dance Music scene. Her real name is Daniela Galli, although it's a long time since anyone called her that way. 
She went to university for a while to study literature but she realized that her real vocation was music and began performing live around Italy, first in an acoustic duo called Twin Duo, then in an acid-jazz group called Dr Groove.
Her collaborations with the studio group KMC have resulted in two hot dance-soul singles SOMEBODY TO TOUCH ME and STREET LIFE (1995).

Dhany's first solo single DHA DHA TUNE became a pan-European clubland must and is a modern classic. Her second single QUIERO RESPIRAR shows the "caliente" soul of this superb performer.In 2000, Dhany guested on  I WANNA BE FREE, the debut single by MUMM. Her third solo single SHUT UP  was also released to international dance-floor acclaim.
In 2001, a new KMC feat DHANY single, I FEEL SO FINE, has been released and reaches number 1 in the U.K. After that she teamed with Benassi Bros. (HIT MY HEART, ROCKET IN THE SKY, MAKE ME FEEL,EVERY SINGLE DAY) and now performs in Europe to sold out venues. In 2006 she released her solo single MILES OF LOVE and now in 2007 Dhany has released the track LET GO.

              (Miles Of Love - 2006)                               (Let it Go - 2007)


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published at 19:16


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